Women Run has inspired me to do more than I ever thought I could. I ran my first 5K and proudly wore my hat the whole way—I’m helping 2 women; someone who benefits from the programs they support, and ME. Thank you Women Run!

— Selina | Boulder, Colorado

I never, in all of my life would have thought that I would become what one calls a runner. I just wanted to let you know that in my training, my mind often goes to your logo “Women Run” and what it means to me. I have a core group of girlfriends that support, encourage and run with me and I believe that without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. We share a bond through running that no one else understands. I am successfully living the  “double bottom line” lifestyle….taking care of others and taking care of myself.

— Kendra | Fairhaven, Massachusetts

Somehow when I run, I always find answers, creative solutions and inner peace to issues and events in my life. This in turn energizes me to be more open, patient, and grateful—which frees me to be a better person in all roles of my life: mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend, fundraiser, business owner and motivator.

— Martha | Providence, Rhode Island

You are an inspiration to women, young and old. I am not a runner, barely a walker, but what you have set out to accomplish has my admiration and respect. I wish you all the best in your endeavors.

— Janice | Pennsylvania

My executive coach just gave me a WOMEN RUN hat. She said it reminded her of me because I am always running—my company, my household, my kids schedules. Sometimes I run away from all those things when I just need a break. I was so encouraged to find your site. What a great organization with a great mission—so true, so simple. Thank you for having the courage and the guts and the good common sense to connect us. It makes me want to take up running again!

— Lisa | Cambridge, Massachusetts

Thanks so much for the very cool hat—WOMEN RUN—isn’t that the truth! I was very intrigued by the concept and the women who put it together. It was a very thoughtful and insightful gift!

— Sandy | Long Island City, New York

The girl’s run hat my daughter won today at the Mattapoisett Tiara Classic could not have spoken to her more clearly—Thank you! The run today and the hat will last her a lifetime.

— Annette | Marion, Massachusetts

Your product and message is a great one with huge potential. I’ve worked in the fashion industry for almost twenty years now and rarely see something that resonates with me like your company.

— Sally | Florida

I am excited about this next chapter in my life/career but, knowing that I am leaving a stable job in a few months is scary. Listening to you and the Women Run story inspired me. It’s given me hope that it’s possible to create a career doing what you love and reminded me the importance of taking risks.

— Beth | Boston, Massachusetts

Love this site! Fun and Empowering for Women and young girls. Nice Job!

— Kathleen

We’d love to hear from you too!