Girls Run… to do the right thing!

One thing I know for sure—little girls grow up and become women, and these little women are paving the way for others to follow and they lead by example.

Recently, I had a front-row seat to an incredible series of events led by young women who decided to do the right thing, speak up for themselves, and to spare others in the future from the wrong that they had endured and witnessed.

A local girls' sports team was led by a coach who, for some time, did not always act appropriately or say the positive things you would expect from a leader and role model to girls at an impressionable age. These athletes tolerated the awkward behavior and creepy comments and brushed it off for far too long. One night, before a big game, the girls gathered for a carbo-loading meal to plan their strategy for the next days' big face-off. The conversation turned from offense and defense strategy to stories of the awkward behavior of their coach. One after another, each girl shared her own creepy story, most too shy to speak up on their own. United they had validation, camaraderie, and a voice. The older girls, disgusted and fed up, decided they would take the lead and speak up. There was a chance the rest of their games would be canceled if they lost their coach mid-season, but these girls were determined to stop the unacceptable behavior and ensure no girls were ever put in a similar situation in the future. They did not want this to be swept under the rug and only hope no one else would have to feel the way these girls felt. They would be the voice that was needed to stop it.

The older girls approached a guidance counselor at school. None of the girls were prepared for what would happen next. They felt listened to, validated, safe, and empowered. Their courage to speak up made a difference. Almost immediately, they had a new coach and the games continued for these united little women. What a happy bunch of motivated athletes they are now. You can see it in how they play and interact with their new coach. Who knew these little women were carrying such a weight on their shoulders?

See something, say something. What a powerful lesson to learn, to witness, and to pass on to the future girls who will inevitably face a similar situation on their next sports team, in their classroom, in their career, or in their home. Not all girls will feel confident to speak up, but seeing this firsthand, or hearing this story will give young women hope and hopefully the courage to do the right thing, not only for themselves but also for the girls they will never meet who will benefit from their bravery.

Please share this story with the women and girls in your life. You never know who needs to hear this, who this can help, and who this might save from a less positive outcome. Women and girls are strong. Women and girls united are STRONGER!